To those celebrating the festival of lights, we wish you a happy and healthy Hannukah.
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Congratulations to the DBO Faculty for winning the November HEART award and Mrs. Poylangada's class for winning the attendance award. Thank you also to our hard working PTA for their special presentation today. #DBOHasHEART
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Reminder that tomorrow is HEART Day - Wear grade level or DBO colors/gear!
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
DBO Family - Please be aware the General PTA mtg scheduled for Dec 12th has been canceled.
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Reminder that school is closed Thursday 11/23 and Friday 11/24.
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Our 1st and 3rd graders love their reading time. 1st graders enjoyed reading their thankful books to their 3rd grade buddy! #DBOHasHEART
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Reading Buddies
It is great seeing DBO student work hanging in the Rockaway mall. This peace sign was created by students for International Peace Day to demonstrate how when we work together we can create something special! #DBOHasHEART
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Friendly reminder that we have an early dismissal Wed 11/22.
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Thank you to some of our 4th grade students who wanted to continue in our mission of spreading kindness to others and created this compliment board. #DBOhasHEART
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Friendly reminder that we have an early dismissal today, Mon, 11/20.
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
First Grade playing “Fill Your Plate” while practicing their reading skills! #DBOHasHEART
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Friendly reminder that we have an early dismissal today, Fri 11/17.
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
First grade had so much fun reading to Zoey, the therapy dog! #DBOHasHEART
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Pet Therapy
Friendly reminder that we have an early dismissal today, Thu 11/16.
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Thank you to DBO Club Calm for your generous donation of Purposeful Acts of Kindness kits in October. The kits help families in need and were the very first PAK kits distributed at our new building! We are grateful for your student's support, generosity and kindness. Nourish NJ
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Please join us Nov 14th for our PTA meeting at 7pm in the DBO Library! We'll be discussing the upcoming fundraisers and exciting events happening for the kids!
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
Reminder that in celebration of World Kindness Day 2023, we are inviting all staff and students in Rockaway Twp to wear green tomorrow (Mon 11/13, 2023).
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
A reminder that school is closed tomorrow, Thursday 11/9 and Friday 11/10.
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
5th graders having fun adding mixed numbers with models! #DBOHasHEART
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon
A friendly reminder that school is closed tomorrow, Tuesday 11/7 for election day.
over 1 year ago, Dr. Marangon