“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”— Malcolm X
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

Reminder, tomorrow (Thu 2/1) is DBO HEART Day - Wear grade level/DBO colors.

5th Grade students enjoyed using measurement to find the combined volumes of prisms! #DBOHasHEART

Not sure who enjoys the 1st grade Penguin project more... 1st graders or Miss Bezeg?!!! #DBOHasHEART

4th graders exploring sound old school! #DBOHasHEART

Due to impending inclement weather, the Rockaway Township School District will have an Early Dismissal tomorrow, January 19th.
Thank you.

A reminder that all district schools will be closed on Monday, 1/15 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

DBO is proud to announce that we collected over 50 pairs of pj's to donate to the Pajama Program! This Service Learning Project helps connect students with our community in a more meaningful way and over 50 children will now be able to enjoy a loving bedtime and peaceful night.

Dear Rockaway Township Community, The reassessment has been made, and the Rockaway Township School District will be remaining on a 2 hour delay today. Thank you

1st and 3rd grade reading buddies enjoyed kicking off the new year together!!! #DBOhasHEART

In light of the Governor’s State of Emergency, all afterschool activities scheduled for today, January 9 are cancelled. This includes events not sponsored by the district. Following student dismissal, all buildings will be secured. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Reminder it is an early dismissal tomorrow (Fri 12/22). #DBOHasHEART

So many ugly/holiday sweaters today!!!!! #DBOhasHEART

DBO Ugly Sweater day tomorrow (Wed 12/20). Let's see those ugly sweaters!!!! #DBOHasHEART

Thank you to all of our guest readers who joined us in 2nd grade to read a winter story!!! #DBOHasHEART

Perfect rainy day for PJ's!!!! #DBOHasHEART

Reminder that Monday 12/18 is Pajama Day!!!

1st Graders were super excited to earn their Word detective badges!!!! #DBOHasHEART

5th Grade has been busy Saturating solutions, working on place value relative to one another, and when it snows - get outside for a break!!!! #DBOhasHEART

A huge congrats to Max and Holland for being chosen as the Yearbook cover winners for this year. Thank you to everyone who entered! #DBOhasHEART