DBO Family, I have received calls from parents/families asking if the school needs anything or how they can help. I thought I would put this out there, but we would LOVE chalk. With maintaining social distancing and keeping students in small groups we are trying to give students things to do at recess. Chalk seems to be a big winner lately. Teachers have been dividing up chalk and putting it in baggies for each student so everyone has their own, but you would not believe how much we go through!!!! Again, this is not required and I only mention it because people have been asking. We appreciate our DBO community and thank you for your support.

Reminder Monday 9/14 is an online/virtual day for all students

DBO Family, as we complete Week 1 of the school year and look to next week, some reminders: Monday = Everyone is online. Tuesday = Green in-person, Gold & All-Virtual at home. Wednesday = Green in-person, Gold & All-Virtual at home. Thursday = Gold in-person, Green & All-Virtual at home. Friday= Gold in-person, Green & All-Virtual at home. As always, questions should be directed to your teacher or consult your class/grade Google Classroom or learning platform for information/schedules etc.
We thank you for your partnership and wish you a safe and relaxing weekend.