5th Grade enjoyed exploring and presenting about chemical reactions with their classmates!!! DBOHasHEART

A big thank you to Ms. Francois for coming to read to 1st grade about the culture of Haiti and Haitian independence. This was an exciting way to learn about other cultures that influence our families and their traditions.

Thanks to the DBO PTA and generosity of our families we collected almost 600 boxes of cereal for the 'Cereal Bowl'!!!!! Another example of the DBO community coming together to help those in need. #DBOHasHEART!!!

Friday – “Random Acts of Kindness” day: Wear a DBO shirt/gear, or colors to show school spirit.

We all dream of showing kindness. But today we did it in our PJ's!!! #DBOhasHEART

Bailey the Pet Therapy dog was a big hit with 1st graders today!!!! #DBOHasHEART

Thanks to collaboration with Dwyer Elementary School, DBO 3rd graders were thrilled to open their first batch of pen pal letters from their pen pals at Dwyer!!! #DBOHasHEART

Thursday – Dreaming of showing Kindness: Wear your jammies!

Thank you to all those who got into the DBO spirit today for Valentines and wore their pink/red/purple/hearts! #DBOHasHEART

1st Grade have some new 100 year old students!!!! #DBOHasHEART

Wednesday – “Show us Kindness”: Wear red, pink, purple or hearts!

Due to inclement weather, the Rockaway Township School District will be closed tomorrow, February 13th.
Thank you.

To celebrate 100 days of school, one of our classes had a special treat. They were able to help Ms. Melyan-Bratton’s grandfather-in-law celebrate his 100th birthday!
Students participated in a Google Meet with Papa Don asking him questions and enjoying his stories.

We "Kicked Off" Kindness week with our favorite sports teams shirts!!! #DBOhasHEART

Monday - “Kick off” Kindness Week: Wear your favorite sports team jersey, shirt or gear!

The cereal bowl is getting competitive!!! Remember to send in those new, unopened boxes to see which class wins (and to benefit the Rockaway food pantry). #DBOhasHEART

To celebrate Chinese New Year, 1st and 2nd graders received an extra Art class to design dragon scales!!! #DBOHasHEART.

February is National Heart Health Month so DBO 4th & 5th graders got their hearts pumping in math! While practicing rounding whole numbers and decimals, we looked at the underlined digit and did jumping jacks, lunges, push ups and more!

National School Counseling Week 2024 (Feb. 5-9) highlights the essential contribution of school counselors and the tremendous impact they have in helping students achieve school success. We thank our school Counselor, Ms. Hubisz for all she does for the DBO community.

Congrats to Miss Bezeg's class for winning the January attendance award!!! #DBOHasHEART