Reminder - tomorrow (Wed 6/5) is an early dismissal for students. Thank you.
10 months ago, Dr. Marangon
DBO Fifth Graders went back in time ... Colonial Times. They had so much fun at the Red Mill Museum!!! #DBOHasHEART
10 months ago, Dr. Marangon
Red Mill
Reminder - PTA mtg tonight at 7pm in the DBO Media Center
10 months ago, Dr. Marangon
Meet the newest students in Miss Bezeg's class!!! We will keep you updated as to their progress.
10 months ago, Dr. Marangon
Field Day 2024! #DBOhasHEART
10 months ago, Dr. Marangon
Thank you to all the DBO parents, faculty and Morris Knolls students who volunteered their time to help us make Field Day a great success!!!! #DBOHasHEART
10 months ago, Dr. Marangon
5th graders had so much fun dressing up and presenting as their favorite book characters!!!! #DBOHasHEART
10 months ago, Dr. Marangon
Happy Nurses Day to Mrs. Madonia!!!
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon
4th Grade Geologists hard a work!!! #DBOHasHEART
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon
Tomorrow (Wed 5/1) is HEART Day. Wear your grade level colors and/or DBO apparel. #DBOhasHEART
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon
Thanks to our friends at Picatinny, our 5th graders were able to enjoy a tour of the facility and some see and learn some interesting things!!! #DBOhasHEART
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon
Thank you to those who wore purple to celebrate the last Friday of Month of the Military child. Even Ms. Hoyt all the way in Central Office helped show her support!!! #DBOHasHEART
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon
Purple Up! As it is the last Friday of April tomorrow (4/26), we encourage the DBO community to wear purple in honor of Month of the Military child. #DBOhasHEART
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon
4th Grade Fun!!!! #DBOHasHEART
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon
We encourage the DBO community to extend their appreciation to our school bus drivers today, on National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day! We thank our drivers for keeping our most precious cargo safe. THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS! #DBOHasHEART
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon
In Celebration of World Autism Month, Students and staff are invited to wear blue on Tuesday, April 23rd. #DBOHasHEART
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon
Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection that now includes 1 billion people in more than 193 countries. Our challenge to the DBO community is - How will you make a difference to help protect our environment this year?
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon
Earth Day
Reminder to wear Red/White/Blue and/or Stars/Stripes tomorrow (Fri 4/19). #DBOHasHEART
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon
Military Students are our Superheroes - Wear your favorite SuperHero gear tomorrow (Thu 4/18). #DBOHasHEART
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon
What a Military Vehicle Showcase DBO students were able to experience today! Thank you Picatinny for helping make this happen. #DBOhasHEART
11 months ago, Dr. Marangon