DBO Family - Reminder that if your child is in person today please complete your daily sceener. Thank you

Dbo family. If your child is returning to in-person instruction today please remember to fill out your daily screener. We appreciate your partnership in keeping everyone safe.

If you have not already, please consider joining the PTA and supporting our school community!

DBO Family - We know everyone has a lot going on so we just wanted to wish you all a relaxing and safe weekend.

Reminder that DBO is all virtual this week. Be Safe

Today is a Gold cohort day. Remember to do your daily screener.
Thank you for supporting the DBO community to keep safety as our #1 priority

DBO Family - Reminder that Wed, 11/4 is a full day for the gold cohort. #DBOHasHEART

DBO Family - Please check your child's email for conference information after school today. If you did not receive an email, or if there is a problem, please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher.

DBO Kindergarten students had fun making ghosts dance with static electricity!!! Thanks Ms. McMahon. #DBOHasHEART #NationalSchoolOfCharacter

DBO Halloween - Gold Cohort, 1 more!!!!

DBO Halloween - Gold cohort style part 3!!

DBO Halloween - Gold Cohort Style part 2!

DBO Halloween - Gold Cohort Style!

DBO Family: Gold cohort students are encouraged to wear appropriate Halloween costumes tomorrow to school if they choose!!

DBO Halloween- Part 4

DBO Family - Halloween Part 3

DBO Family - Halloween Part 2

DBO Family - Get ready for an overload of Halloween pics!!!

Mrs. Bilter's class had so much fun practicing "Would you rather" Halloween style and summarizing Halloween themed books from the Bitmoji Halloween library.

DBO Family: Reminder tomorrow, Wed, 10/28 we are celebrating Halloween - Wear your Halloween costume to school. (Gold Cohort wear costumes Friday 10/30)
Note: No parade/food or items sent to school for distribution. Wear a costume that is safe and comfortable to wear all day.