Thank you to our students who have been sharing with their classmates their insights about Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.

DBO 5th Grade students did an amazing job with their colonial craftsmen projects and presentations!

If you have not done so already, please let us know ASAP your choice for full in person or full virtual instruction from 4/26 through the remainder of the year if your student is in 2nd thru 5th grade. For other grades, and details see the attached flyer.

This year we're continuing our tradition of celebrating the Month of the Military Child during April. Did you know that about 10% of our students have at least 1 parent/guardian in Active service? Keep an eye out for activities and events when we return from Spring Break.

DBO Family: Grade colors today and reminder to do your daily screener if in person today!

DBO Family: Some people take grade colors very seriously!!!!

DBO Family: Green cohort wear grade colors Wednesday and Gold cohort wear grade colors Thursday.....And reminder to complete your daily screener every day you are attending school in person.

DBO 5th graders did an amazing SEL lesson and presentation on friendship. Well done. #SELDay #DBOHasHEART

DBO Family - Please complete your daily screener if your child is in person today. Thank you

DBO Family:
Don't forget to wear your grade level colors this week:
Wed 3/31 (Green cohort) & Thu 4/1 (Gold cohort).
PK=Red, K=Orange, 1st=Yellow, 2nd=Green, 3rd=Blue, 4th=Purple, 5th=Pink.
And, don't forget, school is closed Friday as we start Spring Break.

DBO 3rd Graders working on #SELDay statements of positive affirmation!!!

DBO 2nd grades worked on ways to turn our negative thoughts into positive thoughts through Positive Ninja. Now they have a Positive Ninja Tips poster hanging in their classroom!!! #SELDay

#SELDay activities are everywhere at DBO today!!!! Check out the pics attached.

Nothing like some gold old fashioned chalk shadow and perimeter work during a mask break outside on a beautiful day! Great job 4th grade!

Congratulations to all who entered the DBO yearbook cover contest. A special congrats to Aditi and Sophia who are the winners and will have their designs featured as the front and back covers.

DBO Family: Reminder that tomorrow is a regular green cohort day - no early dismissal.

Thanks to the DBO PTA for organizing another great family event - Movie Night!!!!

Last Night for our 5th grade Dine to Donate fundraiser. See the flyer for details.

Some more green fun!!!

Hope you all had as much fun as we did here at DBO today?!!!!